Adult Bible Study
The Bible Study Ministry at EBC offers you a place to connect with other people seeking to grow in God’s word. There is a place for all adults of every age to connect with other adults to grow in fellowship with one another and learn to apply the Bible – God’s Word – to everyday life. Classes are designed to help people to not only grow in their relationship with God but develop and grow relationships with others through prayer, helping deal with life issues and fellowship.
There are groups for all ages from college to senior adults. Visit our Gathering area on Sunday Morning and let one of our friendly greeters direct you to a Bible Study group.

Men’s Ministry
The aim of our Men’s Ministry is to engage the Word, the Spirit, and the body of Christ to become equipped for the work of the ministry to which God has called us. Through fellowship, accountability, Bible study, and prayer we are helping each other become the disciples of Jesus Christ we are called to be. We believe that, as God continues to change our character, we will have a greater impact on our families, in our jobs, and the world.
Women’s Ministry

Senior Adults
The Senior Adult Ministry seeks to equip, enable, and encourage our senior adult members to meet the needs of senior adults in our church and community. Our Senior Adult Ministry is not just a ministry for senior adults. It is a ministry by senior adults to senior adults.
Looking for information about our Adult Bible Study Community groups?
General Information
Bible Study Community Groups
9 AM
Sunday Service Times
10:15 AM
Wednesday Night Activities
6:15 PM