We are so excited that you are considering visiting our services.
We are located at 3861 Broadway Road in Bartlett
When you arrive, there is Guest Parking in our East Parking lot (across the street) and South Parking Lot. Please come into the Guest Services area located in our Gathering Area – just follow the signs.
Once you arrive, we will be happy to direct you to a Bible Study Community Group or the Worship Center. If you have children, we will take you to our Childrens area and help get your children situated in their age-appropriate class.

Wear what makes you feel comfortable. You will find most come dressed casually. At the end of the worship service, meet our Pastor, Fred Shackelford in the Gathering Area to introduce yourself to him and receive a small gift.
We have two Sunday Morning gathering Times: Bible Study Community Groups 9:00 a.m. for all ages and our Worship Service – 10:15 a.m. Our service is a blend of contemporary and traditional music and expository preaching.
General Information
Bible Study Community Groups
9 AM
Sunday Service Time
10:15 AM
Wednesday Night Activities
6:15 PM